CBD Oil and Its Benefits For Dogs

If you have a chronic condition like anxiety or pain, you’ve probably heard the term CBD or Cannabidiol. CBD is one of several active compounds present in the Cannabis (marijuana or hemp). Given that THC levels are different in both, CBD oil derived from marijuana is illegal since it contains almost 30% THC as opposed to CBD oil derived from hemp with less than 0.3% of the THC.

CBD Oil is Not Hemp Oil – Know the Difference

CBD, known for its therapeutic and medical benefits comes from the leaves, flowers and at times the stem of mature cannabis plants.

Hemp oils on the other hand are made from cannabis seeds and contain little to no CBD or THC. While it is not as potent as CBD, it does have nutritional value since it is rich in vitamins and minerals.

While the benefits of CBD for humans has been well researched and documented, vets and pet owners are still unsure if this wonder drug can offer similar benefits to dogs too. Research is still in its nascent stage but anecdotal information on various online forums suggest that using CBD oil for pets offers relief from:

– Moderate to severe pain whether occasional or chronic
– Anxiety and stress
– Arthritis and joint pains or inflammations
– Epilepsy
– Digestion problems
– Side effects of cancer

Scientists say that CBD interacts with the receptors situated in the peripheral and central nervous systems, which help sustain body balance and maintain health.

Here’s what you should consider before administering CBD oil for dogs.

How Safe Is CBD For Dogs

Most vets concur that dogs shouldn’t receive an intoxicating quantity of CBD because it could be dangerous. Essentially, non-psychoactive CBD has various medical advantages which means you can capitalize on its therapeutic benefits without worrying about your pet getting “high”.

CBD dog products have proved beneficial with issues like anxiety and pain although few studies can conclusively assert that they help. Moreover, there isn’t much information on the right amount of dosage that is sage.

Any supplement or medication carries a reaction risk. Therefore, it’s prudent to start with small quantities and monitor the effects closely when giving your pet something new. Expert consultation is equally necessary to discuss your pet’s specific issues. If you decide to try CBD as an alternative treatment for your pet, make sure to consult with your vet first. Some other points you may want to consider:

  • Consider organic CBD oil

If it isn’t organic, at least ensure it is free of fungicides, pesticides, or solvents.

  • Obtain the analysis

The manufacturer must be willing to offer a certificate revealing the amount of CBD present. You’ll want to ensure the oil has minimal or no THC.

  • Avoid price shopping

If you’re seeking higher purity and quality, expect to spend more. You don’t want to settle for a cheaper alternative that could contain toxic ingredients such as heavy metals.

  • Purchase CBD in liquid form

You can purchase dog treats comprising CBD. However, the best means of administration is a tincture or oil. This will allow you to adjust the dose.

How Can CBD Benefit Your Dog

Anxiety Treatment

The smallest things could terrify a dog, making him nervous. Generally, two anxiety patterns are usually seen in dogs. In the situational case, a dog responds to instant triggers such as strangers. The behavioral type is more intricate because it comes from past experiences. For instance, a dog recalls cruel treatment or separation from the owner.

Irrespective of the nature of anxiety, the condition manifests in various common symptoms such as non-stop barking, pacing, and scratching. CBD oil contains Phyto cannabinoids, penetrates the brain and produces serotonin which stabilizes the mood and provides relief from stress.

Seizure Treatment

Studies have revealed that CBD might reduce the severity and frequency of seizures in humans. Vets believe it can work in a similar way for dogs. Seizures arise due to erratic brain activity and CBD is believed to slow this activity down.

Best CBD Treats & Oil

When it comes to CBD treats, numerous brands cater to them specifically to optimize your pet’s needs. They include:


This multi-flavored treat does not contain wheat, corn, and soy, making it gluten-free, vegan-friendly, and appropriate for all types of dogs and their medical conditions.

Holistapet Treats

Holistapet manufactures animal only CBD products. They manufacture organic, gluten-free, and vegan-friendly treats. Their website also provides lab reports of their products.

Bottom Line

While CBD oil is associated with various health benefits for dogs, you must consult a dog specialist before taking any drastic measures that could endanger your dog’s health.

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